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Apr 22, 20241 min read
A brief two miles
The swaying trees squeak like rusted porch swings in the cool April breeze, autumn-like but with a different scent— hints of honeysuckle...

Oct 11, 20192 min read
Dad at Dale Hollow
Dad explains silica to me as we sit together on a slanted rock. He smiles a lot here, with science and the shore.

Jun 9, 20192 min read
Wildlife in the Rain - Midday at Murfee Spring
I was on the hunt for a yellow-crowned night heron, a stalky bird in the beloved heron family, an active hunter at all hours of the day.

Feb 3, 20193 min read
A Raccoon at Murfee Spring
I scanned the wetlands for more turtles and birds and then noticed a small, sleepy face lifted just above the concavity. A raccoon!

Dec 24, 20183 min read
Bledsoe Creek State Park, TN
We stride into the cloud-covered forest wearing outfits reserved for the sun. I stuff my fingers in my vest and brace for the cold.

Nov 11, 20183 min read
Machine Falls Loop, TN
Hour-old raindrops fall from the rocky overhang and slam my very large leaf. All around me, leaves float on the stream and collect in dams.

Aug 11, 20183 min read
Jack Clayborn Millennium Trail, TN
A chorus of crunching on crisp leaves, like heavy, sporadic raindrops on a summer eve, sounds from the overgrown Dutchman’s pipevine.

Jun 20, 20182 min read
Green Herons!
A scraggly head poked up from the nest, and another, until all three mango colored bills were visible. They yawned at the great big sky.

May 20, 20188 min read
Angel Falls Overlook Trail, TN
The sun is setting, but the only orange thing we see is a fluorescent fungus, a gorgeous specimen with overflowing folds.

Apr 28, 20183 min read
Buggytop Cave, TN
“Slurp, burble, gulp,” my sister Danielle chants as the slippery mud swallows her Vibram sneakers with every step. “It’s eating me alive!”

Oct 19, 20171 min read
The Creature in the Weeds
She twists her head and stares at me with clouded eyes, then proceeds cautiously onto my skin, each movement meditated.

Apr 22, 20172 min read
Rain, rain
Middle Tennessee is a verdant wet, a palate of green dripping with spring and sugar.
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